Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Loons Left Fountain Lake But Pelicans Returned
Loons were still here in Southern Minnesota maybe the result of our cold/cool temperatures on the April 6th. Each day we feel privileged to see them even in the mist and rain. I have yet to hear them this year but it is possible. April 10th was the last time I saw them. But we will enjoy the warmer weather and the Pelicans that have taken their place until the fall temperatures drive them south again. Mostly the Pelicans are flyovers but they will be fishing in our back bay soon.
Redheads & Cans on Fountain and Albert Lea Lakes
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Wood Ducks in the Neighborhood
The Wood Ducks are hanging around while the females continue to lay eggs. We have at least 6 Wood Duck boxes in our Oakwood neighborhood and saw 6 pairs at one time. As I walked by one yesterday, the female flew out squeaking. I hope she did her job. This morning in the mist there was a pair near our box and then another pair swam by. Yes, we love living here in the spring.
Two females in waiting |
That's all folks.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Big Island State Park: Cold and Cloudy
Bluebird at Big Island State Park, only 7.6 miles from our home. The same distance as Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge was from our winter residence. The habitat is lake shore, prairie, thickets, mature forest and ponds. Spring is starting to happen there. Birds noted: Bluebird, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Veery, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Wood Ducks, Buffleheads, Canda Geese, White Pelicans, Greater Scaups, Shovelers, Blue-winged Teal, etc. Spring Peepers were the background music.

Monday, April 4, 2016
Wood Ducks, Juncos, Chickadees and Waxwings
There at least 3 pairs of Wood ducks in site of our Oakwood home. They have been nesting here since we arrive 25 plus years ago. The ducks beat us back from the south as did the open waters. The Juncos must have sensed the cold spell we are having since they are still here. The Chickadees are constants as are the gray squirrels. The Cedar Waxwings show up when there are berries to eat. We enjoy their brief stop.

Cedar Waxwings (in Lanesboro)
(Male above, Female below)
Black-capped Chickadee, a year around favorite
Cedar Waxwings (in Lanesboro)
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