We checked out South Padre as soon as we could but it was slow. That night the temps dropped the wind howled and then it rained. Two days later, a fallout happened to our delight. The star of the day was young male Magnolia Warbler. It was so bright I questioned if it was a Magnolia. But he kept popping out in front of us, so there was no doubt.
Magnolia Warbler
Who knew he could spread his tail?
The Black-throated Green stayed visible for quite awhile also.
Black-throated Green
The Ovenbird surprised us by location in the tree rather on the ground.

Displaying tails: male above, female below
Wood Thrush drinking deep in the shadows.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)
Long-billed Thrasher
Summer Tanager
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female)
Gray Catbird