Least Bitterns are described as very small (11 - 14 inches) and secretive. It is a great day if you happen upon one. There were a pair in the open among the reeds on the exit board walk. Two sisters in their 90s sporting binoculars, spotting scopes and walkers with their adult children were as stunned as we were to watch the Bittern slowly hunt in the open. Margaret Young a daily visitor to the center was amazed also. She carries a small camera and her binoculars and caught the male opening his wings. It is a once in a life-time photo. I only photographed female so the other photos of the male are Gunnar's. When they are standing still with their beaks pointed straight up they are very camouflaged and the males darker back is hidden.
Female Least Bittern
The next photos are the more colorful male Least Bittern.
Male (Gunnar's Photos)
Margret Young's photo published on WBCSPI FaceBook posting. |
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