Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Warm Windy Day at Estero with Anita

Birding at Estero was special today because my sister from Minnesota was birding there for the first time. We saw more turtles and alligators than we normally do because John is a great reptile spotter. There were fewer birds because of the strong south wind. The highlight for them was pelicans flying out of the levee and then kettling to gain altitude. Almost as good was seeing Jachin, the best young photographer and his family. 

                    Showy Egrit Hunting
Immature Night Heron 

Female Anhinga in the thicket.  She rejected her mate in the water and saw off.

Tri-colored Heron
American White Pelicans 

Long-billed Dowitchers in foreground and Yellow Legs along the shoreline feeding.

 Long-billed Dowitchers (11 inches)
Least Sandpipers 6 inches

Jachin's hat blew off into the water 2" deep

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can definitely tell you and Anita are sisters. That's great that you get to visit in the valley.
