I was lucky and grateful to go on a road trip with Laura Paulson, Santa Ana. We approached Brushline Road as we traveled West on FM-490. The turnoff a quarter mile stretch was incredibly filled with Pyyrrhuloxias. One male was extremely colorful, white the female was not so much. Sparrows were abundant throughout the drive. Up the road walked a Roadrunner and following him was a small bobcat. The Roadrunner finally ran across the road and the long legged (ferral) cat slinked into the brush showing its long tail on a fussy photo. OH, well. Other outstandig species we saw: Northern Quail, Caracara, White-tailed Kites, Merlin, Swainson Hawk. Next stop was Delta Lakes County Park (Hildago,County).
Pyrrhuloxia (male)
Pyrrhuloxia (female at SPI) |
Savannah Sparrow
Cassin's Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Tropical Kingbird
Harris's Hawk
American Pipits
American Avocet (non-breeding)
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